Application for salary project and overdraft
Salary project
Application for an overdraft
Choose the nearest branch
Field cash desk in the building of the State Tax Service (64, Atakan str., Bokonbaevo v.)
The savings bank №033-50-17 (г. Бишкек, ул.Московская,185)
Customer Service Center (308, Lenin str.,Tokmok)
The savings bank №033-03-36 (Chui. 48, Bishkek city)
The field saving bank "Asia TNK" (Кара-Сууйский р, Нариманский а/а, ул. Мамажанова д. 10А)
Field cash desk in the building of the State Tax Service for the Aravan region (8, Osh 3000 str., Aravan v.)
Head office (department of services for legal entities) (80/1, Moscow st., Bishkek)
The savings branch №033-27-41 (Lenin str., Zhalal-Abad (Trade Center "Kelechek"))
Field saving-bank in the building of the Ministry of justice (Bishkek, Sagymbau Manaschy, 123)
The savings bank №033-0-43 (Ayu Grand Comfort) (2, Chokan Valihanov str., Bishkek c.)
Field saving-bank in the building of the Osh Interregional United Clinical Hospital (Osh c., Verhne-Uvamskaya, 12)
Cholpon–Ata branch (Сustomer service center) (22, Sovet str., Cholpon–Ata city)
The savings bank №033-33-49 (21/1, Lenin st., Shamaldy-Sai v.)
Department of Registration of Vehicles and Drivers at the Registration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (2, Valihanov str., Bishkek c.)
Osh-Center (50, Razzakov str., Osh c.)
Isfana branch (28 Lenin str., Isfana city)
Aravan branch (40, Aidarova str., Aravan)
Teplokluchenka branch (60 B, Kydyr Аке str., Teplokluchenka v.)
Chon-Alai branch (97, Cholponbai Suleimanov str., Daroot-Korgon)
Field saving-bank of the Osh branch (Osh, Masaliev st., 75)
Kerben branch (г. Кербен, ул. Чангылова 2/1)
Kyzyl–Suu branch (115, Manas str., Kyzyl–Suu)
Zhayil branch (125/1.6, Kozhomberdieva str., Kara-Balta t.)
Kadamjay branch (15, Aman Jalilova str., Kadamzhai t.)
Ilbirs Branch (77 Kievskaya str., Bishkek c.)
Kyzyl-Kiya branch (9a, micro area №1, Kyzyl-Kiya t.)
Ala–Buka branch (58, Mamyrbekova str., Ala–Buka v. (Stadium))
Bazar - Korgon branch (53, Osmonov str., Bazar - Korgon v.)
Sokuluk branch (137 Frunze, str. Sokuluk v.)
Kerben branch (Сustomer service center) (г. Кербен, ул. Чангылова 2/1)
Ak-Tala branch (36, Manas str., Baetovo v.)
Kanysh-Kija branch (3, Toktogul str., Kanysh-Kiya vil.)
Chui branch (338, Frunze str., Bishkek c.)
Suzak branch (27, Yubeleinaya str., Suzak v.)
Bokombaev branch (45, Mambetov str., Bokonbaevo)
Ilbirs Branch, (Сustomer service center) (77, Kiev st., Bishkek)
Kochkor branch (33a, Isakeev str., Kochkor t.)
Balykchy branch (82, Kulakunov str., Balykchy)
Tyup branch (67, Elebaeva str., Tyup v.)
Kara-Kulzha branch (26, Ch. Pazilova str., Kara-Kulzha)
Tokmok branch (308, Lenin str., Tokmok c.)
Issyk-Kul` branch (271, Toktogul str., Karakol c.)
Uzgen branch (47/1, Manas str., Uzgen c.)
Kemin branch (4 N.Bozoev str.,Kemin v.)
Head office (38 А, Molodaya Gvardiya str., Bishkek city)
Bakai-Ata branch (96, Manas str., Bakai-Ata v.)
Kainda branch (1 А, 60 let Oktjabrja str., Kainda)
Naryn branch (43a, Lenin str., Naryn c.)
Kyzyl-Kia branch (Сustomer service center) (9a b, 1 microdistrict, Kyzyl-Kia c.)
Zhalal-Abad branch (43, Lenin str., Zhalal-Abad c.)
Osh branch (124a, Kurmanzhan Datka str., Osh c.)
Talas branch (198, Berdike-Baatyr str., Talas c.)
Batken branch (5, T.Sadykov str., Batken c.)
Field saving-bank of Chui branch (4-a, Chuy avenue, Bishkek)
Osh branch (124 A, Kurmanjan Datka str., Osh city)
Manas branch (с.Покровка ул. Ажыбек -Датка 169)
Toktogul branch (34/3, Suerkulov str., Toktogul t. (city administration))
Ozgon branch (Сustomer service center) (47/1, Manas, Ozgon c.)
Kara-Suu branch (25a, Lenin, Kara-Suu c.)
Jalal – Abad branch (Сustomer service center) (43, Lenin str., Jalal Abad)
Cholpon-Ata branch (22, Sovet str., Cholpon–Ata c.)
Chaek branch (112a, Matyev str., Chaek v.)
Nooken branch (4, Toltogul str., Massy v.)
Belovodsk branch (57, Lenin str., Belovodsk)
Branch "Yrysky" (Customer service center) (Bishkek city, Molodaia Gvardiya, 38a)
Mayluu–Suu branch (Shamaldy-Sai city, st. Ch.Aitmatova 9/5)
Muras branch (82/4, Ch.Aitmatov, Bishkek)
Sulukta branch (44, I. Razzakov str., Sulukta t.)
Talas branch (198 Berdyke baatyr str. Talas t.)
Kant branch (68a, Lenin str., Kant t.)
Kara-Kul branch (Kara-Kul c., Lenin st., 16B)
Batken branch, (Сustomer service center) (5, Sadykova str., Batken city)
At-Bashi branch (210, Chatir-Kol str., At-Bashy)
Nookat branch (1, Lenin str., Nookat t.)
Kara-Suu branch (75A, Lenina str., Kara-Suu t.)
Kara-Bura branch (6, Aitmatov str., Kyzyl-Adyr v.)
The savings banks №033-29-48 (с. Ала-Бука, ул.Мамырбекова-58)
The savings bank №033-34-40 (Lenina str., Masy village)
The savings bank №033-51-09 (138/2, Zhukeeva-Pudovkin str., Bishkek c.)
Gulcha branch (161, Alymbek-Datka str., Gulcha v.)
Field cash desk in the UGNS building (100, Masalieva str., Osh c.)
The savings bank №033-46-39 (Ошская обл., Узгенский р., с. Мырза-Аки, ул. Койлубаева, 1)
The saving bank №033-42-54 (Kulundu v., Niyazmatov st., 23)
Field saving-bank in UGNS building (At-Bashy) (At-Bashy village, Omurakunov street, 133)
Field cash desk on the territory of the MTO "Kyzyl - Kiya railway" (Kyzyl-Kiya с., 61-junction)
The savings bank №033-51-09 (Customer Service Center) (138/2, Jukeeva-Pudovkin, Bishkek)
Customer Service Center (125/1.6, Kozhomberdieva str., Kara-Balta t.)
The savings branch №033-37-42 (11a, Navoy str., Osh c.)
The savings bank №033-28-45 (Gagarina str., Oktyabrskoe v.)
Field cash desk in the building of the UGNS of Kara-Suu (2, Kushbakova str., Kara-Suu)
The field saving bank of Zhaiyl region (UGNS) (16, Krupskaya str., Kara-Balta)
Чуйский филиал (Центр обслуживания клиентов) (338, Frunze str., Bishkek)
The savings bank №033-51-07 (Bishkek, shopping center "Alamedin Grand", 150/1, Zhibek-Zholu ave.)
The savings branch №033-45-38 (Zhany-bazar str., Nookat t.)
The savings bank №033-0-15 (Bishkek,18, Moscow street)
Visiting savings bank State Tax Service Karakol (57, Torgoeva str, Karakol)
The savings branch №033-50-08 (Bishkek, Den Xiaoping St., 34)
The savings bank №033-50-14 (198 Akhunbaeva str., Bishkek city)
Visiting savings bank UGNS Issyk-Ata district (66, Dzerzhinsky str., Kant city)
Kazarman branch (51 Jeenaliev str., Kazarman v.)
The savings bank №033-37-42 (Customer Service Center) (11, Navoi, Osh c.)
Department of Registration of Vehicles and Drivers at the Registration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (1, Mashinostroitelnaya str., Shopokov с.)
Field saving bank at "Autoexpress Invest" " Logistics (1, Lenin str., Ak-Tash v.)
The savings bank №033-51-21 (29 b., 10 microdistrict, Bishkek)
Customer Service Center (271 Toktogul str. Karakol t.)
The savings bank №033-51-05 (142 Unusalieva str., Bishkek c.)
The savings bank №033-51-24 (15A, Lunev st., Alamedin-1, Bishkek c.)
Field cash desk in the UGNS building (25, Lenina str., Uzgen t.)
The savings branch №033-34-32 (4, Gagarina str., Kochkor-Ata)
The savings bank №033-0-23 (100 Moskovskaya str., Bishkek city)
The savings bank №033-50-06 (132, Akhunbaeva str., Bishkek city)
Visiting savings bank (State Tax Administration of Tokmok) (75, Gagarina str., Tokmok c.)
The savings bank №033-51-25 (21/1, Tokombaev s., Bishkek с.)
The savings bank №033-50-28 (185, Moskovskaya st., Bishkek)
Ivanovo branch (154, Grigorija Il'ina str., Ivanovka с.)
Savings bank in the building of Kyrgyz Kaganat LLC (132 Bakaeva str.)
The savings bank №033-47-31 (8-10, Kyrgyzstan str., Aidarken t.)
The savings bank №033-55-22 (134, Chuy avenue, Bishkek city)
The savings bank №033-13-30 (23/1, Junusova str., Kadzhi-Sai v.)
Field cash desk in the building of the State Tax Service in Naryn (244, Lenina str., Naryn c.)
The savings bank № 033-50-01 (Bishkek, 58 A, Erkindik Blvd., (Ministry of Finance))
The savings bank №033-11-50 (41, Torgoev str., Karakol c.)
Field saving-bank in the building of the Entrepreneurs Service Center (381, Jibek-Jolu, Bishkek c.)
The savings bank №033-03-33 (Сustomer service center) (43, Chui ave., Bishkek c.)
Field saving-banks №033-50-В5, (UGNS for Pervomaisky district) (96-b, Kiev str., Bishkek)
"Osh-Centre" (50, Razzakov str., Osh city)
The savings bank №033-03-33 (Сustomer service center) (43, Chuy avenue, Bishkek)
The field saving bank (GNI) (252, Abdrahmanova str., Balykchy)
№033-51-В10 Visiting savings bank (At the customs post "Alamedin") (2 A, Cholpon-Atinskaya str., Bishkek)
Field saving-bank "Alkan Bazary" (74, Kozhevennaya str., Bishkek c.)
The savings bank №033-51-20 (4-1, Baytik Baatyra (10 Microarea), Bishkek)
Customer Service Center (68 A, Lenin str., Kant city)
Field cash desk in the UGNS building (48, Stroitelei str., Jalal-Abad)
The savings bank №033-46-27 (Bekmurzaev str., Kurshab v. (Central market))
The savings bank №033-37-51 (38, Alymbek uulu A., Asanchek v.)
The savings bank №033-30-35 (A.Tekebaev str., Bazar-Korgon)
Checkout counter on the territory of Unilab LLC (Chui Oblast, Issyk-Ata District, Ak-Kuduk A/O, contour №444 on the territory of Unilab SVH LLC)
№033-02-В7 Field cash desk ("Manas" customs) (Bishkek, in the building of Manas Management Company CJSC)
The savings bank №033-44-46 (Kara-Suu district, a/a Saray, Kirov section, central market, (Bus station))
ЦОК Нарынского филиала (г. Нарын, ул.Ленина, 43а)
Кант бажы терминалынын аймагындагы көчмө касса (Кант, көч. Панфилова, 1.)
Сберегательная касса №033-10-57 (Чуйская обл., г. Токмок, ул. Советская, 106 а)
Головной офис ()
Сберегательная касса №033-37-58 с.Падаван (Ошская обл., Кара-Суйский р., Шарк айыл окмоту, с. Падаван, ул . Садикова, 18а)
Field saving-bank on the territory of VZTK "Karatai" (Territory of the temporary customs control zone "Karatai")
Savings bank of the Bazar-Korgon branch (Bazar-Korgon, st. Lenina, 187)
Mobile cash desk of the branch "Yrysky" in the State Tax Service of the Leninsky District (Bishkek, st. Ala-archinskaya, 71)
Customer Service Center (Kemin village, N Bozoeva st., 4)
Ivanovo branch (S. Ivanovka, st. Gr. Ilyina, 154.)
Savings bank No. 033-12-55 (Balykchy, Kulakunova Street, 150)
Savings bank No.033-51-36 (Bishkek c., Chui, 48)
Field saving-bank in Bishkek FEZ (Bishkek, Ch.Aitmatov Ave., 303)
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