Product of payment of the Returnable Financial Assistance under
Поддержка микро, малых и средних предприятий в реагировании на кризис, обусловленный пандемией COVID-19 и во время периода восстановления.
Interest rate for the Borrower
Providing WFTU
The main parameters
To support micro, small and medium enterprises in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and during the recovery period.
For investment purposes, operating working capital, operating expenses.
Agriculture is not funded.
Criteria .
1) Microentrepreneurs operating under simplified reporting requirements:
2) Proof of current economic activity and at least 6 months as of the date of application to the Bank.
3) SMEs maintaining accounting records and declaring their income and profits:
4) Maintaining active operating activities for 6 months as of the date of application to the Bank, confirmed by a tax return (or certificate /document).
Exemption from or absence of arrears in taxes and insurance contributions, and taking into account information from the credit bureau as of the date of application to the Bank.
Target group:
1 category: Microentrepreneurs:
Individual entrepreneurs (operating at the moment and not less than 6 months as of the date of application to the Bank) working in accordance with the tax legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, whose annual turnover does not exceed 8 million KGS.
Category 2: Small and Medium Business:
- Individual Entrepreneurs (operating for at least 6 months as of the date of application to the Bank) and
- Legal entities (operating for at least 6 months as of the date of application to the Bank) operating in accordance with the tax legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic whose annual turnover does not exceed 30 million KGS.
The maximum amount of TPL:
For category 1 - up to 1,000,000 soms inclusive
For the 2nd category - up to 3,000,000 soms inclusive
TFF period (term of TFF use for the Borrower):
Up to 36 months inclusive
Interest rate for the Borrower:
Calculate loan amount
An example of calculating the interest rate is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer