Loans for gasification
RSK Bank OJSC and Gazprom Kyrgyzstan LLC present a joint product "Gasification"!
Amount of credit
Credit term
Кыргызстанцы имеют возможность на выгодных условиях получить средства для установки отопительных котлов дома и газобаллонного оборудования (ГБО) для автотранспорта
Main conditions
How to pay off
For whom this loan is suitable:
The loan is designed for individuals and individual entrepreneurs
To pay for gasification services (connection, installation of heating boilers and gas equipment on vehicles)
Loan amount:
Up to 150,000 soms
Loan term:
For connection of gas heating boilers up to 24 months
For connecting of GTB up to 12 months
Interest Rate:
18% per annum, excluding taxes (effective rate - 19.51%)
No guarantee and no pledge
*Upon decision of the CC it is possible to take a guarantee and a pledge
Calculate loan amount
1 716.91
An example of calculating the interest rate is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer