Loans for small and medium businesses under the RKFR program
Small and medium businesses registered and operating (at least 12 months) on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic that meet the following criteria
Loan term
Currency of credit
Основные условия:
Additional restrictions
Target Group
Main conditions
Limitation of the amount of cash-out in the amount of:
10% of the loan amount - if the loan amount does not exceed 2 million KGS (or 30 thousand USD);
- Not more than 15 thousand U.S. dollars (or 1 million soms) per credit project can be increased subject to satisfactory justification;
Prohibition of transactions using credit facilities provided under the Program with companies registered in offshore zones recognized as such by the NBKR.
Restrictions on lending for purchase of cattle and cattle (except for pedigree cattle with relevant certificates). Settlements on the purchase of cattle and cattle must be made only in non-cash form.
Restrictions on lending for purchase of real estate (except for farmland): not more than 30% of the loan amount.
Co-financing the loan:
When financing projects, co-financing of at least 15% of the total amount of each financed project is required*.
At the same time such co-financing must be the contribution of SMEs in the project. The contribution to the project may include:
- financial resources invested in the capital costs of the project from the date of application to the Bank or before the application to the Bank, but subject to the confirmation that without these costs, the part of the project financed by the Bank with the Loan would not make economic sense;
- assets in the form of production fixed assets used in the project.
Refinancing of the Loan:
The refinancing component must not exceed 30% of the total loan amount and must be granted if the following conditions* are simultaneously met:
1. the refinanced loan was used for investment purposes and is related to the project being implemented;
2. Target use of the refinanced loan shall be proved by relevant documents of the transaction (invoices, agreements, invoices, delivery notes, deeds, and delivery and acceptance statements)
3. term of use of refinanced loan shall be not less than 6 months at the moment of application review
4. absence of overdue payments of principal and interest on the loan proposed for refinancing
5. Unless otherwise decided by the Board of the Fund, no restructuring of the refinanced loan.
Calculate loan amount
An example of calculating the interest rate is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer