Currency of the loan
Amount of credit
In order to improve the efficiency of implementation of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic "On measures to develop agro-industrial complex of the Kyrgyz Republic" № 25 dated February 8, 2021 and to encourage activities aimed at supporting economic entities in the agricultural sector through concessional lending, leasing and financing, including on the Islamic principles, by developing agribusiness clusters: milk, meat (cattle meat and cattle, poultry), fish, sugar, chicken eggs, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil, cotton, honey, zeppo.
Within the project "Crediting of agro-industrial complex" the Bank provides credits to economic entities, including farms, individual entrepreneurs and individuals, as well as participants of agro-industrial cluster on terms and conditions approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the current normative documents of the Bank and NBKR. In this regard, the Bank created an electronic online application registration journal.
more about credit
Main conditions
Category A
Category B
Category V
Category G
Lending to the agricultural sector is divided into the following categories:
Category A:
Farms, individual entrepreneurs and individuals can get up to 500,000 soms, on a collateral-free basis up to 300,000 soms, for up to 36 months without agreements and contracts with Aggregators (Processors) for working capital and fixed assets.
Category B:
Farms with an annual turnover of more than 1 million soms (members of agroindustrial clusters on the basis of agreements between private members of the cluster association. According to the provided list of Aggregators) up to 5 000 000 soms, up to 36 months for current and fixed assets.
Category V:
Can receive seed and breeding farms, nurseries of fruit and berry crops, as well as newly formed food industry enterprises (according to the recommendation of the Cluster Development Council) up to 150,000,000 soms, for a period of up to 60 months for working capital and fixed assets.
Category G:
Can get Aggregators of agricultural cluster (defined by the register of Cluster Associations) up to 150,000,000 soms, for a period of up to 60 months on working and fixed assets.
Calculate loan amount
An example of calculating the interest rate is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer