
Currency of the loan


Amount of credit

up to 250 000

up to 150 000 som

Without collateral and guarantee

Target group:

Legal entities, individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities on the basis of a patent/IP certificate (individual entrepreneurs)

Target Purpose:

For any commercial purposes, including debt refinancing, for consumer purposes 

Credit Currency:


Credit Amount:

From KGS 10,000 to 250,000 (not more than KGS 300,000 including Overdraft and Credit Cards)


From 10,000 KGS to 150,000 KGS - without surety and without collateral;

From KGS 150 001 up to KGS 250 000 (inclusive) - the guarantee of 1 person, and / or movable property, and / or cash collateral (pledge).

Term and rate:

According to the interest rate and term scale approved by the authorized body of the Bank

Calculate loan amount

from-5 000
till-250 000
from-1 Month
till-24 Month
Monthly payment

5 100.00

Payout percentage

An example of calculating the interest rate is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer

How to get credit?


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