Cluster development of the meat sector
The goal of the product is to increase the production of meat products and develop exports as part of a single value-added chain.
Rate in dollars
Rate in soms
Funding amount
Credit term
Target group
Subjects of small and medium-sized businesses registered and operating (not less than 6 months) in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Subjects of small and medium-sized businesses - enterprises and business entities of meat direction.
Enterprises that process meat products;
Producers of meat (farmers and farms);
Breeding farms
Enterprises for fodder production;
Other subjects participating in the cluster of meat direction.
Requirements for small and medium-sized businesses
Subjects of small and medium-sized businesses must meet the following criteria:
The volume of gross proceeds of SME for the previous year not more than 200 million KGS;
The average number of employees for the reporting period not more than 250 people;
The share of participation of the state, public and religious organizations (associations), charities and other funds in the authorized capital of SMEs should not exceed 5 percent.
Share in the authorized capital of SMEs, owned by one or more legal entities that are not SMEs, must not exceed 50 percent;
SME to whom the loan is issued, must not be an insider or affiliated person of the bank or the Fund;
The subject of SME must have a stable financial position according to the assessment of the partner bank;
Bankruptcy proceedings should not be initiated against the borrower, as well as its members - legal entities, whose share in the authorized capital of the borrower is more than 51%;
Existence of clear and economically justified primary sources (in order to avoid the necessity to sell the collateral in case of default) of repayment of each loan (to be assessed by the Bank).
The industries of the economy to be lent are determined by a separate list approved by the FCMC (Industry Classification of the FCMC)
Calculate loan amount
2 008.33
An example of calculating the interest rate is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer
How to get credit?
Fill out an online application on the bank's website
Receive a preliminary response from the bank
Go to the bank branch with documents for the final decision