
The Bank management

The “Eldik Bank” recognizes the importance of corporate management as a key factor in the success of the Bank in the market. Management of the “Eldik Bank” is based on principles of respect for the interests of all stakeholders (customers, shareholders, employees, partners and society as a whole), openness and transparency, social responsibility, compliance with the business culture and business ethics, monitoring and achieving high results in business activity. The management system of the Bank is constantly being improved in order to increase efficiency. The high level of management ensures the stability and success of the company on the market.


The General Meeting of Shareholders
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme management body of the Bank with decision-making powers on key issues of the Bank in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Charter of the Bank.

The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the “Eldik Bank” oversees the management of the Bank, represents the interests of shareholders and is accountable to them. The Board of Directors determines the development strategy of the Bank and is responsible for the conducted policy.

The Management Board (the Board)
The Management Board of the “Eldik Bank” manages the current activity of the Bank. The competence of the Management Board includes all matters that are not the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors. The Management Board of the Bank is a collegial executive body.


Ermeev Djyrgalbek

Ermeev Djyrgalbek

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Kyishybaev Talgar

Kyishybaev Talgar

Member of the Board of Directors

Masybaev Turarbek Dzhakypbaevich

Masybaev Turarbek Dzhakypbaevich

Member of the Board of Directors

Abdraimova Venera

Abdraimova Venera

Member of the Board of Directors

Kolbaev Kubanychbek

Kolbaev Kubanychbek

Member of the Board of Directors



Pyshkin Denis Vladimirovich

Pyshkin Denis Vladimirovich

Chairman of the Shariah Council

Kadyberdiev Abibilla

Kadyberdiev Abibilla

Member of the Sharia Council

Jeenbekov Kyzyrbek

Jeenbekov Kyzyrbek

Member of the Sharia Council



Ulanbek M. Nogaev

Ulanbek M. Nogaev

Chairman of the Board

Reception schedule: Friday 15:00-16:00

Turdaliev Akylbek

Turdaliev Akylbek

First Deputy Chairman of the Board

Reception schedule: Tuesday 09:00-10:00

Jakypova Aichurek

Jakypova Aichurek

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Reception schedule: Wednesday 15:00-16:00

Tairov Medet

Tairov Medet

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Reception schedule: Monday 15:00-16:00

Aitaliev Bakytbek

Aitaliev Bakytbek

Deputy Chairman of the Board

Reception schedule: Friday 16:00-17:00

Shakirov Tursunbek

Shakirov Tursunbek

Managing Director - Member of the Management Board

Dauzova Farida

Dauzova Farida

Managing Director - Member of the Management Board


Head Accountant

Aiza A. Chubarova

Aiza A. Chubarova

Chief Accountant Head of Accounting and Reporting


Telephone number of the reception of the Bank's management:
0312 58 01 48

If the Consumer has a complaint, proposal and application to the Bank related to the correctness, quality and / or terms of service, with mutual settlements between the Consumer and the Bank, as well as in other cases, the Consumer may submit a relevant application to the Bank. Consumer appeals can be both oral (by phone and in person), and written, received by e-mail, in person, by post, or set out in the Book of Complaints and Suggestions. In writing, applications are transmitted by:

sending by e-mail to the following address:;
personal transfer to the Bank;
sending to the Bank by post;

filling out the Complaints and Suggestions Book located in each subdivision working with Consumers (Operations Department, Credit Department, Loan Recovery and Coordination Department, Credit Support Department, Claims Department of the Remote Banking Services Department, branches, savings and mobile cash desks).